French fig variety french fig farm: Longue d’Août Review from Franch fig farm Hi. This is Rich at a French fig farm. What we're looking at today... by copluso August 16, 2020
French fig variety Campaniere Fig Buy Campaniere Figaholics review: Campaniere Hello, figaholic friends today's august 1st, and this is a thing that we'll, be tasting... by copluso August 31, 2020
Grafting Grafting Fruit Trees In a previous video, I showed how you can change the variety in older trees, using the bark graft. Check... by JSacadura September 19, 2020
Italian Fig Varieties Verdino Del Nord The VERDINO DEL NORD I have it is the true VERDINO TOSCANO from NIKKY's collection Verdino Del Nord - Italian... by copluso January 5, 2022