Hey guys, MamaBear here with Southern Living Garden, just wanted to show you. I’m, doing some air layers today for friends, this is the fear. Oh, I came out here and did some circles with the knife around here and here then I cut it across with my gloves on cuz you don’t want to get in a step on you and hurt, and then the thing the bark Just peels, I’m gonna go ahead and put some routine agent here and then I’m gonna put the balls on their Christmas balls with dirt in them, wrap them up and grow some branches.
So, Oh show you got quite a few trees. This is more of a Canova. I just went ahead and did the cuts here. So you can see one around here across and there you go that’s, the sort of air layer.
We’ll go they do, give you some gloves clone ex routing gel um. I get some paintbrushes. I’ll, go ahead and brushed it on the cuts that I made on the trees, and then I had some balls. I’ll, be putting dirt on them: okay,
This tree here is getting quite a few hair layers on it. Good one right here, kind of the main trunk. There’s one right there. There’s, gonna be one right here and one right here, I err, laying it because one I have a friend I’m, giving some two and two it has not produced well for me, and I have Random branches dying just suddenly, so I wonder if there’s, something going on in the dirt, and I just don’t want to deal with it.
So I’d, rather just make fewer layers and start fresh with new plans next year. So this tree is about four feet tall and I just don’t. I don’t like them. Branching out this high. You can see it’s growing some branches on the bottom, but they are not very viable at the moment, and this year would happen, if actually it started.
Dropping figs I don’t know if it’s, that water issue we’ve, had extreme heat and then extreme rain and extreme heat extreme rain. So it’s been kind of funny. I haven’t set up my irrigation quite yet. I headed up last year tonight took it down and I didn’t, put it up this year, yet has just been crazy here but anyway.
So I had like 30 fakes on this and I have five right now and every day I come in and there’s, one dropped and that shouldn’t be happening. Last year. There were like 15, I believe, on the tree and they all ripen, and they were all super good.
Some thinking, I just need to do something about this. I don’t like the form, and I’m, like that it’s, dropping figs, so I’m gonna go ahead and the air layer. All these three branches here branching out on the way to a high point for me, so I’m gonna interlayer.
Those three I’m gonna make them into new trees. I’m gonna also earlier. It’s right in the middle of the big trunk here and you see, clinics it’s already on it, and I’m gonna make actually four trees out of this one and start fresh with it next year.
I really really like this tree again, so I don’t wanna I don’t want to just keep it in a funny form and not grow and drop fakes. So sometimes you’re, just gonna start fresh. Another reason for air layering could be space, for me kind of an issue I did put in the fix quite close together here along the fence, and I’m gonna try to figure out how they grow, maybe do a little school year, or maybe just leave him as maybe pull one out, maybe food.
I’m, not a woman. I’m, just doing a lot of testing here, seeing how things go, seeing how they grow in the ground. This is my call to DOM blank that one has not done anything pretty much didn’t. Do I get it actually, like the three branches, you see that?
How I received it when I bought it in the spring of last year and it didn’t grow much, but it fruited a lot last year, so it grew these tiny little branches here and last year. This was all loaded with about 30 plus fruits.
This year it grew absolutely nothing. This is the first growth you can see in this branch. This tiny little Grove that’s, the first one this year, so it’s. Good, I mean. Obviously they grow just a tiny bit just enough to put a fig up, so we have a fig here in effect here, you can see how much it grew.
It literally grew an inch put those two figs up and then it stopped growing and then just resumed a little growth right here. So it was very stagnant, ran out this branch right here it’s just started growing, so it did a little bit here.
It grew like half an inch here and then from here. This is good, good food on the half. So I have one branch growing, so I’m, not sure really what to do about this tree. I’ll. Let it go for now, but there is this one branch on the bottom.
You can see it’s kind of awkward, so the three branches are almost even, and then one branch is kind of. So I’m gonna go ahead and air layer that one too and I will have a col d’ dam tree here in a little bit.
Okay, well, be putting the air layer song. I get my boss here. This is the smaller size on Amazon it’s like Christmas, armaments, full ornaments. I get some electrical tape that’s. Gotta go around it and some scissors to cut it and just need some dirt.
Well, go get some filters bone with dirt water put it on there. So I’m gonna use a mixture back to premium potting soil. Am I spinning it nicely now? The tricky part is to put it on the tree, that’s, the hole – I’m gonna make sure they a little bit not very messy very quickly here. Okay, there, the bags so much I did like it when you open the bags. I think you lose a nice, beautiful air layer. I’m gonna go ahead and put some oil on it and keep it on there for not gonna check on it.
For at least four weeks after four weeks, I’ll, be checking on it weekly and definitely water. Their layers, as I water my trees, I’m gonna order their layers. Look at this beauty, it’s a pain in the butt to put it on or when you cut it off it’s, so easy that the ball comes right off and you have a beautiful, beautiful ball of roots.
I ran out of balls that are pre-drilled the little ones, so I’m gonna show you brand new and I’m. Just gonna use a drill and drop it. I usually do the thicker one for the big ball. I think my favorite for the little ball is this one.
So I’m gonna go ahead and put the balls together. I’m gonna kind of like hold. It’s really really tight and just go right guys. Let me just tell you making houses in those balls is not pretty, but once they’ve done, and I’m dropping things once they are done they do.
I’m into two holes. I don’t have to worry about it balls here. I ended up using all three drill bits, just kind of trying to see where they work best this one here, the smaller skinnier one I started the whole.
I finished it with the big one here it was nice and thick. I wanted those holes to be big enough to be able to flip the branches in there and let the branches grow. So I’m gonna go ahead and finish up those three more air layers put some foil in them and we’ll be done for today, so that’s.
It guys all the air lawyers are done. We have several of them. Most of them here are from my buddy Rego and Eric I run out of the small ones. I had to put a giant ball on this. One needs to get some smaller ones, but here they are, and Daikon.
I have foil on them in a second here, and you can see behind me here that the air layer is all in foil that’s. The call that I’m blank very excited to make a new tree. If you like. My video wanna see the progress of the air layers and reviews on all the things that I’m tasting this year Hit like subscribe, and I will see you later.
Thank you.